HTML WEB WEAVER 5.0 RELEASE NOTES Copyright 1995-96 by Mark McConnell and McWeb Software ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEE THE HELP FILE TO SEE WHAT'S NEW IN THE CURRENT REGISTERED VERSION OF WEB WEAVER (VERSION 5.0A). What's New! - Multiple Document editing is supported in this version. - A recent file list of 4 files is listed at the bottom of the File menu item similar to most commercial word processor's recent files list. - User defined toolbox is included, allowing 5 user defined buttons to be assigned. - Right click pull-down menu is available which is similar to most word processors including Cut, Copy, Paste, limited Undo, etc. - Find/Replace capabilities. - More HTML and Netscape code including MailTo, Background Colors, and Background Wallpaper. - Fonts dialog box is supported for using any system fonts in your text window. - Code for Forms are included in the Form dialog box under the Insert/Form menu item. - Interactive Menu Lists and Directory Lists are added to the Insert Lists menu item. - Eventually HTML 3.0 Tables will be supported and also an Options box which will allow the user to change browsers to link to, working fonts, working directories, etc by automatically changing the INI file. Bug Fixes/Improvements since Web Weaver 4.0b: These fixes improve the functionality of Web Weaver and make it more similar to conventional editors/word processors. - Along with the multiple document editing comes a File menu more similar to conventional software. Save As, Save, Close, and Exit all work in the conventional way. When you have edited a file and choose Exit, Web Weaver asks if you wish to save the file instead of asking "Are you sure you wish to quit?" Print is still being worked on even though it works. - Removed the horizontal scrollbar from the text windows so a hard return will not have to be hit in order for you to get to the next line. Otherwise you could keep typing and the line of text wouldkeep running off the page. - Switched the positions of the Cut and Copy buttons to mimic the configuration of Microsoft Word. - When pressing the

button or menu item the insertion of the "

" is preceded by a carriage return. Before, a carriage return came after the "

" was inserted. It is common HTML practice to type "

" at the beginning of a new line and then directly following it with the text of the new paragraph. The change of this button/menu item makes this more intuitive. - The

insert code was also changed so that a carriage return precedes AND comes after the "
". This makes it easy to press the
button when at the end of a sentence, and the cursor will feed to the next line, insert "
" and then feed to the following line. - Selected text in the editor window is automatically placed in the Anchor box when the Anchor menu item is chosen. - Graphics menu item is now called Inline Image. - The Align feature in the Inline Images box is fixed so that doubleclicking in the background of the box clears ALL values. Also, previously both Netscape and normal HTML Align values could simultaneously be chosen when there should actually only be one choice for insertion. This is fixed so that the Align values can only have one selected choice. - Netscape Item types in the Numbered List box is fixed so that doubleclicking won't cause errors during insertion. The clearing of the values used to accidentally clear the Start value which would cause an error if you tried to insert. - The Address code was placed in the Paragraph/Text Elements and MailTo code was added to the Netscape Extensions menu item. - Browse buttons added to the Inline Images box and Hypertext box. - The ability to type in the desired input in dialog boxes like Hypertext, Inline Image, Anchors, Lists and hit the key to say "OK" instead of having to type then click on OK to submit the input. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________